There are many types of x rays. For instance, medical companies utilize x rays in order to find out more about patients. Technology industries often need NDT or non destructive testing x rays to find out more about products. Regardless of which x rays your company creates, it’s important to easily be able to access them. In addition, you’ll want to have a way to keep these items secure. Considering that, here are three smart reasons to have your x rays digitized.

  • Convenient Access

    Statistics show that 77% of business owners want to have a way to remotely access files. It takes longer to retrieve x rays than you might think. One study found that it takes an average time of five minutes to retrieve a single document. This time is spent walking to a filing cabinet, finding the document, doing what’s needed and returning it. Partner with an x ray scanning service allows this information to be stored digitally. Instead of spending time finding documents, users are able to pull them up almost instantly.
  • Never Worrying About Lost Documents

    Business owners have many things to focus on throughout the course of a day. Therefore, you don’t need to spend time worrying about losing x rays. While this is an important concern, digitizing x rays takes this worry off of your mind. In turn, you’re able to focus on other important business matters.
  • Saving Money

    Not digitizing x rays and other types of documents are often costly mistakes. In fact, it costs a company nearly $120 to find and replace documents that were misfiled. Considering the importance of x rays, it’s likely to cost much more to replace this type of information. Many technology companies utilize NDT x-ray digitization in order to avoid the costs of losing these items.

In closing, it’s important to realize the benefits associated with x ray digitizing. If you’re wanting to avoid transporting confidential x rays, partner with a service that scans on site. For instance, scanning on site is beneficial for companies in need of NDT x-ray digitization. Companies create a wide range of sensitive documents. Therefore, it’s wise to utilize the safety and security that on site scanning services offer.

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