From movies to streaming services to cell phones, audio video design makes up an important part of our lives. Without audio video design, our entertainment and even our learning wouldn’t be what they are today. Audio video design provides connection between noise and image, melding the senses together to provide a truly immersive experience.
Sound systems have always been a popular purchase, but in recent years the quality of a sound system has increased significantly, along with sales. Sales of headphones and headsets alone jumped from 236 million sold in 2013 to over 300 million in 2016, a mere three years later. Bluetooth speakers have also become very popular, particularly because of their convenience. A Bluetooth speaker can be used safely in places where other types of headphones cannot, such as while driving. Sales of Bluetooth speakers have jumped from only nine million units in 2013 to over 40 million units sold in, again, 2016.
Fortunately for audio video companies, this data represents a climb in the audio and sound equipment market in the United States alone, which has now surpasses 120 billion dollars annually. Audio video design is in part so important because of its value to the entertainment industry, but audio video presentations can also be useful for educational purposes and even can help with the retention of information. For example, researchers have found that the vast majority – over 80% – of all human learning occurs visually. Still, over 10% of learning is linked to hearing, making sight and sound the two main components in learning something new. Studies have shown that retention days after an event is much higher is audio video components are used as part of presentations. This can be utilized as simply as giving a presentation accompanied by a slideshow, but it’s recommended that presentations do not exceed fifteen minutes in order to best hold the audiences’ attention. These presentations are well suited for groups of up to one hundred people.
No matter what elements of audio video design you incorporate into your private life as well as your professional life, it’s an important part of how we function as a society. Audio video design can provide hours of entertainment in the form of TV shows and movies as well as music but it can also help with the retention of information after an important business meeting or even in a school setting.