The internet has become our planners, filing cabinets, and phone books. It has replaced many physical forms of storage, for both residential and business users. However, too many people do not understand the possibility of losing all of their information, forever. If you ever had a storage or filing cabinet, you may have locked it for optimal safety. You may have been hesitant to throw anything out. Yet, many people do not back up their phones or internet programs. There are many reasons that a Google apps backup is necessary for all types of internet users.
Storage of important documents In today’s highly technological times, people are storing their important documents on the internet. They may scan and store their birth certificates, marriage and death records, and even their tax information. In fact, many people only have records of their tax information online! Although the internet has proven to be just as secure, if not more than physical copies, this is only true if you take the time to properly backup Gmail and other document storage programs.
Photographs Physical and throw away cameras are almost obsolete today. Every smart phone comes with a camera that is high quality. People are constantly taking photographs, yet, they never do anything with them. The development and printing of pictures has drastically declined, with more people storing their photos either on their phones or on their desktop computers. Imagine a virus hitting your computer and wiping out every single photograph that you have taken since you began using your smartphone.
You can store, manage, and access any kind of content with Google Drive. It starts you off with 15 GB of storage for free and the 100 GB pack is going for just $1.99 a month. This is a minimal cost to ensure that all of your photographs are securely stored in an easily reachable place. Your Google apps backup may require additional storage, depending on the amount of photographs and other documents you have to store.
Business information Many businesses today exist entirely virtually. Even businesses that still have physical storefronts store much of their information on the internet. Businesses are often at a financial risk, if they were to lose all of their information. The cloud is a common storage system for businesses, but is often not secure enough. You also need to backup Google apps for business uses. A Google apps backup is quick and low cost.
Approximately 9.7% of all computing workloads are run in the public cloud. That number is expected to rise to 30.2% in just five years, adding up to 44% annual growth in workloads for the public cloud to just 8.9% growth for on premise computing workloads. These statistics show that most workplace employees want a virtual way to store their documents and information, they just need it to be secure and easy to access.
Educational backup Even many schools have moved to entirely virtual systems. Students information and grading are stored online. Students access their homework, and in some cases, their classes, online. G Suit for education backup is an important feature for students who have the majority of their educational work in an online setting. A 2013 Harris Interactive poll found that 30% of computer users had never backed up their data. Imagine losing all of your students’ assignments at once!
Email backup One of the most common forms of communication in work settings today is through Email. A Google apps backup is important to backup Google Emails. Many Emails contain confidential and important information and could cause problems if they were wiped clean. When you backup Google apps on your phone device, you should also back up your Email account, and this should be done on a regular basis.
The internet has provided both residential and commercial users with a new form of document storage. Although this mode of storage is more convenient, it has the possibility of being deleted. Only a small percentage of people actually regularly backup their information, even though the loss of that information could be detrimental. Ensure that you are regularly doing a Google app backup, for Emails, photographs, and all documents.
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