Do you know how many employee owned mobile devices and tablets will be used for work in 2014? Me neither. But according to Juniper Research, the number could rise to 350 million, up from 150 million this year. As many as 71 percent of business allow workers to bring their own devices to work. Mobile device management is clearly valuable when one considers the security benefits. MDM, as mobile management is often called, will be increasingly important, since mobile searches quadrupled in the past year and a recent poll found that IT managers are happy to allow employees to bring their own devices, since it increases productivity.
Mdm software is available from numerous IT providers. Mobile device management systems can include cloud MDM software which is easy for people to use. It is for this reason that MDM devices and software will probably become an important part of business operations as we advance further into the 21st century.
This is not to say that everyone knows how to use these systems efficiently or even that every company should allow employees to bring their own devices. There is certain information that should never be on the server of any computer that leaves a secure building. Banks and security contractors, for instance, should probably take note. Nonetheless, Mdm software is a great method for start ups that need to save money. If nothing else, it can prevent company secrets from being published. Everywhere. More info like this.