When trying to construct a new bridge, it can be difficult to do so, without taking away a current form of transportation for cars, pedestrians, and others who may need to get across. Some might even argue that the bridges should not be repaired, since it will cause too many problems with traffic, and make it difficult for others to get where they need to go. Using military portable bridges can solve many of these problems, since it offers another option of getting across, and can easily be relocated when the need calls for it. There are over 600,00 bridges in the United States, meaning many of these bridges need repairs of some kind. Here are three reasons to use an alternative bridge option, rather than leave a current standing bridge to crumble.
Most Bridges Are in Dire Need of Repairs, and Military Bridges Can Provide a Solution
Many bridges that are currently standing today need repairs in order to function properly. Over 200 million trips are taken daily on some of the oldest and most used bridges across the United States. The median age for most of the bridges in America is roughly about 40 years old, although some are older or younger. Because these bridges have not been worked on or repaired in a very long time, and since so many people use them on a daily basis, it makes sense that they are in need of work. In some cases, a military bridge can be a helpful alternative for traffic, including pedestrians, bicycles and others who may need a way to get across. This can make working on the bridge easier in the long run, since lines are not being created or held up.
Alternative Bridges Can be Used in Many Situations
Sometimes there are instances that call for additional help with bridges, such as a railroad bridge that needs to be repaired. It is not always possible to have the bridge no longer be in use until the problem is corrected. In cases such as these, it is better to have a military portable bridge or some other method that allows individuals to install a bridge in minutes. Doing so means that businesses and individuals are not greatly inconvenienced, and the bridge can get repaired as quickly as possible.
Having a Portable Bridge Prevents Accidents From Occurring
If there is not an alternative bridge route, it is easy for accidents to occur. With over two hundred million trips taken on a daily basis on major bridges across the United States, it makes sense that problems would arise if people were without their normal means of transportation across a body of water, no matter how small. A military portable bridge is helpful in providing a safe way for people to cross, without exposing them to elements that may be present, and keeping them from getting involved in accidents.