Research indicates more than half of all smart phones and tablets used in for business purposes will be owned by employees by the year 2015. The increasing popularity of mobile devices has created a huge market for management software and security solutions. A BES security policy is important if you are using a BlackBerry device. Information about how to set a BES policy can be easily found online. However, it is important to understand your specific needs for security because each case is different. Blackberry mobile device management software is important for managing installed applications. Mobile device management is also important for managing and security sensitive company information.
Setting a BES security policy is important of managing passwords and restricting access to certain types of data that is deemed sensitive. As a matter of fact, a BES security policy can prevent important data from being leaked out in the event a mobile device is lost or stolen. BlackBerry devices are considered very high on security by many technology experts. In fact, BlackBerry is the leader in the enterprise mobile computing world. Taking advantage of the security that BlackBerry devices provide is only achieved by knowing how to properly use a BES security policy.
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