Many people that the modern world of business is changing for the better. One reason for this is the changing shift occur in regards to women occupying CEO positions. In fact, statistics from 2017 found that the percentage of female CEOs working for Fortune 500 companies exceeded 5% for the first time in history during the first quarter of that year. While this news is great, there is an unfortunate mistake being made by certain individuals who have decided to start their own companies. Here is more information concerning why many entrepreneurs are ignoring the immense value of an HR department.
HR is About Much More Than Talent Management
As a new business owner, you’re likely finding yourself trying to cut additional costs. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs falsely assume that having an HR department is something that they don’t need. An HR department is much more than a means for recruiting talent. A human resources department provides methods for workers to resolves disputes among each other. Certain employees might prefer speaking to someone from human resources about an issue rather than a direct supervisor.
It’s especially important to work with human resources executive recruiters while managing Millennials. Known as the Job Hopping Generation, nearly 60% of Millennials are open to working at a new job at any given time. With that in mind, it’s important to provide Millennials with an HR department in order to vent their frustrations. This helps to avoid the chance of having Millennials jump ship from your workplace to another.
Keeping Your Business Legally Safe
Another issue arises when workers might have a problem with a manager but feels that they can’t report it, due to fear of retaliation. Depending on the severity of this issue, your company could find itself facing legal problems if a worker fears retaliation from a supervisor. You can save yourself a lot of stress and worry from having to deal with this type of situation by having an HR department within your business. If you’re having trouble determining the HR needs of your business, reach out to human resources executive recruiters.
A recent Gallup poll found that only 20% of workers feel that their manager is doing a good enough job of keeping them encouraged. Considering that, giving workers a place to vent their feelings could lead to many changes being made that help your business in the long run. In addition, unfortunate legal issues can arise with a business at any time. Covering far more than angry employees, an HR department can help keep you protected while dealing with all sorts of legal matters.
It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed while starting a new business. With that in mind, HR executive search firms can help you begin to build your human resources department. Human resources executive recruiters will work with you to help you figure out the talent that you’ll need to find. In turn, this enables you to have a much easier time knowing what to look for in a wide talent pool of potential new candidates.