When you have an online business, you want to ensure that your website will reach your targeted audience. To do so, you need some sort of background in SEO. If you don’t have a background in SEO, that’s what Tampa technology companies are for.
Bringing Traffic to Your Website
SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate. Outbound leads have a 1.7% close rate. One of the biggest hurdles for B2B marketers when it comes to lead generation is creating high-quality leads. Approximately 60% of all organic clicks go to the organic top three search results. About 50% of all mobile searches are conducted to find local results, which 61% of those searches will result in an actual purchase. Every year Google seems to change their search algorithm about 500-600 times. This is why it’s critical to hire Tampa IT services to ensure that your SEO and marketing are approached correctly.
Securing Your Website
Aside from bringing traffic to your website, you want to make sure that your site stays secure. With technology rapidly changing and how convenient it’s becoming, sometimes it makes it easier for hacks to occur. Having a managed service provider will give you the peace of mind you need to know that your information will be safe. Did you know that 46% of people reveal that a website design is their number one criteria for determining how credible a company is. So, you’re not only securing your website from maliciousness, but you’re securing your website’s presence to your potential clients.
Statistics to Keep in Mind
Nearly 47% of data losses resulted in end-users deleting information, 13% were due to deleted information by hackers, and 17% were users who overwrote data. About 20% of all small businesses will be hacked in just one year of start-up. Unfortunately, nearly 50% of enterprises lost data in the cloud and had to restore their information from backups.
These statistics are alarming and it’s the very reason you should consider a managed service provider, so you can make sure you’re safe from the inevitable. Contacting IT consulting in Tampa will allow you to head in the right direction to secure your company and website information.